Application of Titanium Plate Heat Exchanger in Seawater Desalination 钛制板式换热器在海水淡化中的应用
The type selection of Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchanger and Plate Heat Exchanger 平板式远红外线加热炉管壳式换热器与板式换热器选型参考
Design of a new plate heat exchanger and simulation study on its heat transfer property; 随后开展了土壤源热泵机组运行特性与土壤温度场响应特性的模拟研究。
The paper introduces the main characteristics, choice conditions, basic principle and its successful application of plate heat exchanger. 介绍了板式换热器的主要特点、型条件、本原理及其在生产中的成功应用情况。
Optimal Design for Plate Heat Exchanger by Particle Swarm Optimization 基于粒子群优化算法的板式换热器优化设计
The energy saving of the application of the plate heat exchanger with some practical cases was introduced. 本文结合工程实例对板式换热器应用在三甘醇脱水装置中的节能效果进行了介绍。
Application of New Type Plate Heat Exchanger in the Light Industry 一种新型板式换热器在轻工行业的应用
Since the company started in1988 manufacturing plate heat exchanger, have pASsed ISO9001-2000 quality system certification. 本公司自1988年开始生产制造板式换热器,已通过ISO9001-2000质量体系认证。
A New-style Ground-source Heat Exchanger and Its Heat Transfer Model Abstract: Plate-shell heat exchanger ( PSHE) is new equipment of combining the advantage of shell and tube heat exchanger and plate heat exchanger. 一种新型的地源换热器及其换热模型研究文摘:板壳式换热器是集板式换热器和管壳式换热器优点于一身的新型换热设备。
Application of Plate Heat Exchanger in Heavy Water System of Research Reactor 板式换热器在研究堆重水系统中的应用
Application of spiral plate heat exchanger in visbreaker and FCC unit 螺旋板式换热器在减黏裂化和FCC装置上的应用
Engineering Study on Intensification of Heat Transfer for Plate Heat Exchanger in High-viscosity Fluids 板式换热器在高粘度流体强化传热的工程研究
Thermo-economics Analysis of Plate Heat Exchanger Replacing Low Pressure Heater in Power Plant 板式换热器取代火电机组低压加热器热经济性分析
A new type of plate heat exchanger using low-pressure secondary steam was introduced in this article. 介绍了一种能利用低压二次蒸汽的新型板式换热器在味精厂的应用。
After the hot water plate heat exchanger should be met. 而经过板式换热器的热水应满足。
Products through the plate heat exchanger for re-heating cycle. 产品通过板式热交换器循环进行再加热。
In order to carry out more quantity of heat exchange with less pump power consuming, characteristics of plate heat exchanger and shell-tube heat exchanger were studied. 三种换热器的研究结果都说明冷、热媒流量越大,换热量就越多,而流量的增加又会带来管路阻力的增加,从而造成水泵功耗的增加。
This design adopts steam double-effect LiBr absorption chillers as cold source in summer and steam-water plate heat exchanger units as heat source in winter. 设计采用蒸汽双效溴化锂吸收式冷水机组作为夏季空调冷源,选用蒸汽-水板式换热机组作为冬季空调热源。
Meet the performance: removable plate heat exchanger with unparalleled flexibility. 适应性能:可拆卸式板式换热器具有无与伦比的适应性。
The refrigeration system employs a plate heat exchanger to provide on demand refrigeration of an intermittent water flow. 制冷系统采用板式热交换器,以便按需提供中间水流的制冷。
The sections of the plate heat exchanger on either side of the regeneration section are used for heating and cooling. 片式热交换器的另外两段位于回流段的两侧,用于加热和冷却。
Normally, this final stage of heating is accomplished after the product temperature has been raised to a significant level using a plate heat exchanger or similar heat exchange system. 通常,将产品用片式热交换器或相似的热交换设备升到很高温度以后,加热阶段才完成。
A mathematic model of distributed parameter for plate heat exchanger ( PHE) with a corrugated sinusoidal shape of chevron angle was derived. 采用分布参数法对波纹型通道板式蒸发器建立数学模型,并进行了数值模拟。
Design and heat transfer characteristic of new plate heat exchanger. 新板型板式换热器的研究。
The plate heat exchanger is divided into three sections, with the middle section serving as the regeneration component of the pasteurization ystems 片式热交换器分三段,中间段作为巴氏杀菌设备的回流段板翅式换热器物流分配特性及换热的研究
Temperature and velocity field of ripple plate heat exchanger is calculated by ways of finite element analysis. 通过有限元法计算了波纹板式换热器板间温度场与速度场分布情况。
Usually, the corrugated plate heat exchanger is used on the low temperature equipment. 波纹板式换热器通常用于低温设备上。
Application of Plate Heat Exchanger in Different Refrigerating System 板式换热器在不同制冷系统中的应用
Plate heat exchanger is applied in refrigerating system widely with the features of high efficiency and compact. 板式换热器在制冷系统中得到了广泛的应用,它具有高效、紧凑等优点。
Flow fields were simulated by mathematical software between two corrugated plates in a chevron-type plate heat exchanger. 应用数值计算软件对人字形波纹板式换热器内板片间的流场进行了模拟。